Photos - Fulton House Restoration Project

Click on the small image to open a larger one in a new window.

Historic Fulton House
Historic Fulton House
Fulton House before Restoration - left
Fulton House before Restoration - left
Fulton House before Restoration - addition
Fulton House before Restoration - addition
Fulton House before Restoration - left
Fulton House before Restoration - left
Fulton House before Restoration - front
Fulton House before Restoration - front
Fulton House after Restoration -front
Fulton House after Restoration -front
Fulton House after Restoration - left
Fulton House after Restoration - left
Fulton House after Restoration -rear
Fulton House after Restoration -front
Fulton House after Restoration - right
Fulton House after Restoration - rear
Fulton House - fireplace
Fulton House - fireplace
Memorial Walkway
Memorial Walkway
Fulton House sign
Fulton House sign

[ Photos | Derry Area Churches ]


Copyright ©2002-05 Derry Area Historical Society All rights reserved.
Updated: 18 June, 2006